Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Full Day of Eating

Hi everyone! I wanted to show you all what a full day of eating looks like for me. This is a typical weekday. Some days I eat a little more, but today I was NOT active at all. My TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is around 1700 right now. I aim for a 500 calorie deficit, which means eating around 1,200 calories. I'm a kinda short female, so don't worry! Most people should NOT eat this little. Most days I end up around 1400, but I just wasn't feeling very hungry on this day.

Lunch: Michelina's Microwave Meal Fettuccine Alfredo

Dinner: Chicken, rice, and veggies with sriracha

After Dinner Snack: Breakfast!! French toast made with egg beaters. Topped with peanut butter and jelly!

Before Bed: Salad with Bolthouse Farms dressing

Surprise Snack; Boyfriend made pizza, so I had a slice with extra pepperoni!

Here is what my total looks like for the day:

I practice Intermittent Fasting. That's why I don't eat before lunch!


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Guilty Pleasures of a "Loser"

I've been on this weight loss journey for quite some time now. Almost 3 years actually. Along the way I've accumulated a few guilty pleasures. Weight loss and food can easily begin to take over your life, especially if you have some.....issues with food like I do. Here are some guilty pleasures and habits that I'm sure others on their weight loss journey (losers!) can relate to.

1. Overfeeding others. This one makes me feel so evil. If my boyfriend offhandedly mentions that he wants pizza, I will ENCOURAGE him to buy eat and "treat himself" while I have a salad. I just love to watch him indulge and do what I can't do without ruining my entire week. Most nights I make us separate meals so that I can volume eat, but I still savor every bite of mac and cheese that he takes.

2. Daydream about being a 6'4" man. If only I were a tall guy! I could eat soooo much food and maintain my weight! I basically have the appetite of a big guy anyway, might as well just turn into one, right? The struggle of a average/short girl trying to lose weight is heartbreaking. I'm lucky I'm not super short. I know overweight short girls who have to cut to 1,200 cals or below to lose. Guys are so lucky!!

3. Food porn, EVERYWHERE. YouTube videos and Instagram especially. I love to look at ooey gooey chocolate or cheese. I can just scroll through Instagram ad see the worst possible foods calorie-wise. It's so crazy that even I couldn't even imagine indulging on something so insane! But it sure is nice to look...

4. Fit chicks. This one is part "goals!!" and part self hate. It's really cool to look at people who worked really hard to achieve a sexy body. I like to think that I could look like them someday. But the longer I look, the less positive the experience becomes. I get jealous, I suppose. Jealous of their discipline and determination. Then I start to feel bad about myself. "I'll never look like that." None of this stops me from following those fit chicks on Instagram though.


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Goals on goals on goals!!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I just wanted to touch base about some of my goals and what this blog means to me for the coming months. Writing about my journey really helps to keep me accountable, even if there is no one reading. Plus it's nice just to get all of my ideas and thoughts out of my head and into the world.

1. See the 130s before the end of the year.
2. Diet down as much as possible before adding cardio
3. Join a gym to start weight lifting
4. NO cheat days. Only occasional cheat meals.
5. Post here at least once a week!
6. Get better at doing my makeup

Current weight: 151.8

I'm going to be straight up and tell you guys that I had a weekend of binge eating after my last post. It was bad. So it took me the entire past week to get where I was before all of the eating. I ate chinese food, taco bell, Wendy's, and so much junk. If I want to have a shot at reaching my 130s goal before the year ends, that CAN'T keep happening! I was yo yo dieting all summer. The lowest I reached was around 145. When I first got started dieting I was on top of my shit and was able to keep under 140. I want to get back there.

I always wonder what my full potential would look like if I just stuck with it and stay consistent and committed for more than a month. 

So here's to getting back on that horse and trying again.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I'm BaaAAaack!

It's been awhile, huh?

I've been gone and finishing college. I graduated and now I'm a teacher! Woo!! During that time I had to throw a lot of my diet and exercise to the wayside. For the past month or so I've been back on track. I'm finding it a little more difficult this time around, so I'm back to keep myself accountable.

Current Weight: 151.6
Goal Weight? Back to the 130s!

2015 was a good year though! I met my goal of running over 100 miles in a year, which I am SUPER proud of. Right now I am trying to lay off of the cardio and plan to focus on weight training in the future.

Currently I am trying to lose as much weight as possible (without dipping my calories too low!) before I officially get back into the gym. My reasoning for this is that I always go balls to the wall when losing weight. I run an hour a day PLUS lower my calories super low super fast. I want to take it slow this time because I am SUPER busy being a first year teacher. I want to see what I can accomplish on diet alone and then slowly incorporate weight training.

Should I post progress pictures? How often should I post? We'll see!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

My New Years Resolutions + Plan to Tackle Them!

Hey everyone! In my last post I gave you guys some pointers on how to start your weight loss journey in the form of resolutions. Well here are my New Years Resolutions!

1. Only weigh/measure myself the first day of each month. As I want to get more toned and stronger, it is likely that I will gain some muscle weight. This doesn't bother me, but seeing the numbers rise without linking it to my smaller leaner measurements, it might cause me to lose some confidence. Besides, the scale is NOT important to me anymore!

2. 1,000 miles in a year. These miles can be completed at any speed, on the treadmill or on the elliptical. If done on a bike, I will divide the miles by 3 and then add to mile total (biking is a less strenuous activity). My cardio has improved, but I hope this helps me to become a better, more consistent runner!

3. Track my food and workouts everyday. In order for me to achieve a lean body I need to not only be consistent in my workouts, but also to eat clean and healthy meals. You can work out as hard as you want, but without having good nutrition, you will not see the results that you want. This resolution will keep me accountable. You can add me on MyFitnessPal at txmandaxt

4. Run 3 miles in 30 minutes without stopping. I am great at running for long distances, but this year I really want to get faster and challenge myself. I created a treadmill workout to help me with this that I will share with you soon! It is adaptable to help you with any similar goal.

5. Do the Blogilates monthly calendars every day. These Pilates workouts are fantastic and give great results. December was my first time completing an entire calendar, and I want to do more! I'll be posting a review/intro guide to Blogilates soon!

6. Workout every day! Obviously this includes the above goal, but I want to also do a little more even if it is just walking a mile, or some cardio dance!

7. Eat clean AT LEAST 5/7 days. I would love to only have 1 cheat meal a week, the rest being clean and healthy. But since I am still new to eating clean, I want to make a goal that I can achieve and that will still improve my health.

Have you made your New Years Resolutions yet?! Comment below or tweet with #bodyaspirations and tell me about them! I want us to work together!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

5 Steps to Starting Your New Years Resolution

New Years is so so so close! Say goodbye to 2014 and say hello to YOUR YEAR! This will be the year that we work harder than ever to achieve our dreams. Now, I can't help you pay off your student loans, but I like to think that I can help you with your resolution to lose weight/get healthy/get fit. I'll be posting my resolutions soon, but first let me help you get started on yours!

1. Think BIG then SMALL. You might want to lose 100 pounds total. That's a great goal! But that might not happen in 1 year and thinking so far ahead can make you give up. So start small with monthly goals. Saying you want to lose 5 pounds in January is a goal that you can achieve and will inspire you to keep working hard!

2. See where you're at. Weigh yourself, and then do a little research to find out what a HEALTHY weight for you should be. It is important to be realistic about your health, no matter how hard it can be.

3. Set yourself up for success by staying accountable. Join a program like Weight Watchers, or download an app like My Fitness Pal or Lose It! These are all great ways to track your calories and activities. By seeing exactly how much you are eating and what healthy portions look like, it will be easy to see why you gained weight and will put you on the path to eating right.

4. Join a gym/workout program. Diet is the most important place to start, but you will see faster and better results if you get that body moving! It will also really improve your overall health. There are a TON of programs and challenges out there on the internet. My personal favorite is Blogilates (review for her program will be up in a few weeks). You can also buy programs like Insanity. There is also the option of combining different things and creating your own program!

5. Do it with a friend! Having a workout buddy makes you more likely to go to the gym and will keep you more accountable. It is also nice to have someone that knows what you are going through and can keep you motivated and on track!

What are your New Years Resolutions? Comment below or tweet with #bodyaspirations

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Recipe: Healthy Chicken Rice Bowl

This dinner fills me up every time I make it and really helps fulfill my Chinese food cravings!

What You Will Need: 
4 Oz. Boneless Skinless Chicken
1 1/2 Cups Frozen Veggies
3/4 Cup Instant Rice (cooked)
1/2 Cup Chopped Lettuce
Zero Calorie Cooking Spray

1. Grill chicken on the stove top with any seasoning of your choice (I use hot sauce!). When cooked all the way through cut into small pieces.
2. Make rice according to directions on the box. Usually boiling the water, adding rice, turning off heat, and then sitting for 5 minutes until rice is fully cooked.
3. Steam Veggies on stove top with any desired seasonings,
4. Mix all together with lettuce and any other toppings.
5. Enjoy!

Makes 1 Serving

You may use brown rice instead of white, steak or fish instead of chicken or add things like soy sauce or teriyaki sauce for flavor. Additional toppings can include tomatoes, salsa, or some cheese.

345 Calories
48g Carbs
4g Fat
28g Protein